
Testimonie from Csézé in Mikebuda, Budapest May 2014 

of the Dance of the Spheres

For Paula and Peter. A Big and Grateful Thank You.
I think, I am not mistaken if I write,
You were the Queen and the King of the Universe at the weekend.
You could show us,
That the world on this planet is huge and wide.
If I know it right, there is a special word for formulating its highness,
Symbolically and heavenly: the Kingdom come.
But you could perform and demonstrate its present and living reality,
the Kingdom coexits abreast on the Earth not only in the future:
it breathes and already now might be alive.
I have been looking for the infinite for a long while,
But now I know that it is high, wide and even deeper
Than we would have ever thought.
It keeps moving and increasing continuously not only outside,
But in you, in us and mostly in our invisible, common, deep inside.
Never stop dancing and the pure artistical tuiton,
You make people move and inspire,
Thus time and space are then full of
Force and a nice, persistent, shining bright LIGHT!


Before I decided, to go to this workshop, I had had strong resistances. On the one hand, i felt, it would be very useful for  me in this moment of my process.. I have tried to „open my heart” for some weeks, because there is some kind of a block which impedes me in my life, in my relationships and my advance with the work of my ascesis. But, on the other hand, i thought, that it was not the best time in my life for such a thing…actually, I don’t like people, and touches, and emotions, and i can’t dance, and so on…
But, finally i decided, that i want to participate, because i want to overcome my fears, and be more free.
In spite of the nice experiances, I had the day before (when i watched the performance of Paula and Peters) this work shop wasn’t easy for me.
I was closed, and my head (my „I”) was very noisy: what will happen if I make mistakes, or everybody laughs at me, or I hurt somebody somehow etc…
But in certain moments all of these fears, and other noices have disappeared. Just for short moments. When I forgot myself, and my attention was directed to others, or to the empty and infinite space…in these moments I don’t think, I just feel. It was very special and my body was totally relaxed. But after these moments, I lost this contact again, and I couldn’t move again…I became tense, and I felt strange… I wanted to control everything….i wanted to escape. I wanted to understand, what was happening, and i was frustrated becasue I couldn’t understand anything.
And I tried to relax my body, and return to my center. I tried to see the others from my heart and tried to find them in their heart. I tried to feel this Something again, what i have lost…
In some moments I could enjoy this silence again, and this contact with something sacred…
But my „I” turned on again, and my fears and degradation came again…
This continued again and again: i found the contact-i lost the contact. If I had contact with the emptyness or silence or whatever, I felt close to others, if i lost this connection, I felt strange, and far from others…
At the end, I felt, that all of these experiences had been too much for me. Too much emotions, too much energy, too many internal states for the day. I was crying and the same time, i was full of love, and gratitude. I had a catharsis and than I felt a big relief.
I wasn’t perfect, i made mistakes, i cried, but somehow i felt, that all this things are totally o.k…
Afterwards, I was walking in the Park and i felt, everything is alive, everything is the same…
And then, I sat down at the dragon, and I ask for people, and give thanks again and again.

And it was very interesting to recognize, that what I experianced in this workshop, is happening in my life…   Anonymous ;) to inspire others 

Testimonies in Manhattan May 2013 

Agostino Antonio Marte Bautista 

Jean-Marc Grambert

Testimonios de los Talleres en México Abril 2013 

Gasdee Hudeny

Cristina Gonzalez


Primero respiración profunda, luego un relax completo y ejercicios de Psicofísica para  preparar la entrada a lo profundo, después…escuchar la música y sentir como penetra por los sentidos…

Lentamente voy moviéndome por el tableado, el lugar es como si tuviera una gran profundidad, los espejos reflejan mi imagen rodeada de otras imágenes, difusas….y empieza la danza, cierro los ojos y registro los movimientos de mi cuerpo como si se mezclaran con la música y bailo por todo el salón, siento como mi cuerpo me obedece, ya no se desplaza solo, estoy dentro de ese vehiculo que me permite expresarme en el espacio, el tiempo desaparece y es cuando siento un flujo y reflujo de energía como si algo etéreo en mi, se mezclara con la energía de los demás.

He tocado lo mas profundo de mi ser, no hay dolor, no hay cansancio, no hay sufrimiento, no hay miedo, no hay ruido en mi mente, estoy solo con  mi corazón y mis sentimientos. Entonces se abre el espacio para el contacto corporal con los demás, es un contacto con sensaciones internas, con confianza, con sentir lo humano.

Algo extraordinario me ha pasado he tenido la sensación de no tener mi edad solo un futuro para amar la realidad que construya.


(1) Basado en las enseñanzas de SILO con la adaptación de Peter Deno

Testimonios en el Parque Carcarañá Febrero 2013 

Testimonios Parque Carcarañá Febrero 2013

Testimonios Gira 2012 

Parque La Reja - Buenos Aires - Argentina

Parque Caucaia  - Sao Pablo - Brasil

Moisés Valdebenito 

Beatriz Aguirre 

Parque Chaco - Resistencia - Argentina

Roberto Kohanoff
Teresa Notario
Ivan Andrés Juanovitch
Michaela Camino
María Angeles Vallejos
Liliam Britos

Parque Paravachasca - Cordoba - Argentina

Abril Lopez 
María Teresa Marello
Juan Carlos Dominguez

Parque Punta de Vacas - Mendoza - Argentina

Jessica Marcela Araneda
Zoe Moal 

Parque Carcarañá - Rosario - Argentina

Ariel Quezada 

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